Peldyn's Jewelry

Unique Craftings

Beautiful Things

Grab yourself a cup of tea and relax. You can peruse the many things in my SHOP or read a bit of my ramblings. If you wish to see any picture larger, just right click then click VIEW IMAGE. To exit hit the back arrow on your browswer.


Jan. 2nd 2022
The sale to help pay for Honey's vet bills went very well. I made enough to make a payment towards the balance. Honey is back home now and resting comfortable. She still needs radioactive iodine treatment so if you want to help, consider making a purchase. I have a drawing going on so head over to the saved video of the live sale and make a comment! I will pick a winner Jan. 3rd. Sale Video

Dec. 29th 2021
So much has happened in the last couple years. A pandemic for one. A bit of executive dysfuntion for me and another cat has fallen ill. My elderly cat Honey has hyperthyroidism and pancreatitis. Right now she is at the Animal Medical Clinic in Palmdale California receiving inpatient treatment. I am going to have a live sale on my facebook page tomorrow at 7:00 pm Pacific time. Every purchase will help pay Honey's vet bills. Peldyn's Jewelry

Jan, 19th 2020
The past few months have just flown by! Pixie recovered from his UTI. He is just as feisty as ever. I was in two plays, one of them the musical Newsies. That was so much fun, but exhausting. In December I went on my first Caribbean cruise. I had an amazing time. Now that I am home again I started working on new silver pieces, including rings. Haven't decided if they will be sold here or just at the local shows I do. Still working on putting the necklaces all online. Pictures have been taken, just need to write the code. Everything else is updated!

Sept. 10th 2019
Pixie the Beading Cat has fallen ill. He has been hospitalised for the past few days. I have been so worried about him. He has been my Beady Kitty for 8 years now. His shenanigans are sorely missed. Please keep him in your thoughts and let's hope for a full recovery!

Sept. 4th 2019
The dog days of Summer are almost over. I look forward to crisp Fall weather. Leaves, pumpkins, and hot cocoa are my jam. The Bead Kitties are happy romping through my work room even though I try to keep them out. No one can tell a cat what they can or cannot do. While you are here check out my new line of inappropriate jewely. Fuck Y'all Jewelry says exactly what you REALLY want to say. This may not be your cup of tea, and that is okay. My cats approved LOL because they would say all of it if they could speak.